Sundays are probably one of the best days around our house. Typically the hubs is home from work and my little family can take the time to relax and enjoy some time together. Our day usually starts with a late wake up time in bed with my two favorite guys, proceeds to a Starbucks run, and ends with a movie night for mom and dad while little bubs crashes out. Overall a great day. Since Sundays are super around here I thought I would share 3 random super events of the past week as a way to cap off our lazy day.
1. Bubba is in full on teething mode, he actually bit his mommy for the first time this week and although it wasn't a highlight of my week seeing him with 2 little teeth just makes me smile. He looks like a little bum with 2 scraggly teeth and I adore him. Those little teeth are sharp though and if he gets your finger in there, WATCH OUT!
2. We got 2 exciting purchases this week. The first was a surprise from my amazing hubs, a BOB jogging stroller. I mentioned to him that I saw that they were on sale on and after asking around to his coworkers who recently bought one and checking various online resources he found out it was an excellent deal and bought it. It is something I have been lusting over but avoiding buying because the weather hasn't been nice enough to really use it yet so needless to say I just about peed my pants when the UPS man rang the bell with a BOB box! Score one for hubby! Second purchase was a new vacuum. Totally not as exciting as a stroller but definitely a necessary evil. Ours went kaput randomly this past week and the dog hair has slowly been driving this momma insane. We finally buckled down and went and bought one yesterday. We got a pet one and I ran it twice just through our living room yesterday and was baffled and a little disgusted by the amount of hair and dust it picked up. I guess our 10 year old vacuum was pretty useless.
3. My baby bubba celebrated his half birthday this week. 6 months old! holy hell where did the time go? I would be lying if I said I didn't cry a little. These last few weeks have been overly emotional anyway (anniversary of my dad's passing, anniversary of my pap passing, baby turning 6 months, anxiety of making being a stay at home mommy work) so I think I had a few good cries in there. Even though it's sad that he really isn't a newborn anymore it's thrilling to watch him grow and change. He literally does something new and cute everyday and I love it. Do I want him to slow down and stay little just a while longer? Yes most absolutely but since I know that won't happen I am trying to really relish and enjoy every single one of these moments before they are gone! We had our well baby checkup on Thursday and these are the stats weight 20 lbs 7 oz length 27.5 inches head 45 cm. He's still in the 90-95% for height and weight and only 75-90% for head size, big bubba!
Just for cuteness sakes here are some of the monthly shots we have taken of him since he was born. Seeing them like this really proves how much he is growing!