

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 1

This is a little scary.  Putting my life out there on the web and hoping that someone will read it.  I guess this has been a long time coming.  At least my husband thinks so.  I have been an avid blog reader for a year now and every time I would mention someone's blog he would give me a blank stare.  I guess hearing about the lives of people you don't know isn't the husband's cup of tea.  What can you do?  We can't all be blog obsessed.  I guess this is a good place to introduce myself and explain what I hope this blog can evolve into.

My name is Juliene.  I am a 26 year old soon to be mommy- very soon- our baby #1 is due August 2, 2011.     I am currently unemployed by no choice of my own but have been living it up enjoying the time at home getting ready for baby.  My husband and I have been together for almost 7 years, we met my freshman year of college and the rest is history as they say.  We got engaged right around our 5 year anniversary and got married 6 months later in December 2009.  We went to college in Southwestern Pennsylvania and then moved to the Baltimore area after graduation(he in 2006 and me a year later).  Our lives are pretty normal- as normal as anyone can be!  We have 2 dogs that we love like children and are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our first baby boy.

How the blog came to be is a whole different story.  In July 2009 with our wedding fast approaching I decided it was time to get healthy and fit.  I started a diet and exercise regime on July 1 and haven't looked back yet.  At my highest weight that July I was 273 lbs which is considered obese for my 5 foot 9 inch frame.  I started watching what I ate and working out everyday and have lost over 120 lbs weighing in at 150 lbs pre pregnancy.  I used and truly feel like it was a life changer for me.  Over the course of my weight loss I started reading healthy living blogs and changed the way I ate based on seeing more "real" foods.  I stopped focusing on diet foods and was able to maintain my weight loss.  I ran my first half marathon in October 2010 about 3 weeks before finding out we were expecting.  I never thought in a million years I could be the "skinny friend" or a "runner" and have proven myself wrong.  I hope to use the blog as a means to continue exploring healthy living as a new mom.  Even more importantly I want to use the blog as a way to document my new life as a mom and wife.  I know it won't always be easy and glamorous and that's why I called it a case of the Mom-days.  We all have bad days and I want to be real about them.  Obviously it won't all be bad so I hope that sharing my life good, bad, or ugly will show what it's like to be a real Mom!

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